With federal funds on the line, Indiana’s largest K–12 district leverages the cloud to support its “Rebuilding Stronger” plan.
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Product Review

True Calling

The easy-to-administer Cisco IP Phone 8865 comes packed with features and functionality.

Security Save

Silver Lining

As their dependence on the cloud grows, K–12 schools must improve their security posture to protect their assets.

Product Review

Intelligent Assistance

Voice commands in this AI-enabled interactive display make it easy for K–12 teachers to manage their classrooms.

Tech Tips

Look Within

Asking the right questions will help district IT departments avoid costly mistakes and find the cloud solutions they need.

FAQ Five

Defense Against the Dark Web

Microsoft security features keep K–12 users safe with authentication tools, monitoring platforms, data protection and more.


Mobile Responder

John McDonald, COO of the MSBA Center for Education Safety and The Council for School Safety Leadership, explains how a fleet of vans are outfitted to aid schools across the state.

Get Smart

Safe Cycle

A modern identity management strategy can ensure smooth provisioning, updates and deprovisioning.

Report Card

Ready for Liftoff?

More than 900 IT professionals were surveyed for the report, including 72 who work in K–12 institutions, about how they are managing their cloud environments.



Cyber Relief

New state laws and policies support funding, workforce development and ransomware reporting in K–12.


Where Are They Now?

Three districts that made early investments in cloud computing share how the IT model has changed operations, maintenance and instruction.


Cloud Counsel

K—12 IT experts mull over lessons learned from cloud migration along with its ongoing impact on their organizations.

Shared Smarts

The STEM List

Take a look at some of the projects influencers use to prepare students for a highly competitive STEM sector.


School on Wheels

Smart bus technology allows students to use their devices for learning and drivers to optimize bus routes, safety and vehicle maintenance.


Letter From the Editor

A Smarter Cloud

As more schools upgrade their technology infrastructures, they’ll gain the efficiencies and flexibility enjoyed by mainstream businesses.

Contributor Column

STEM Head Start

As the nation faces a science and technology talent shortage, the earlier students get exposed to these subjects, the better.

Contributor Column

Counting the Costs

Schools should evaluate their spending on cloud storage, computing and software to find budget-friendly solutions.