Sep 04 2024

Deploying the Right Technologies That Work for K–12

Leaders at California’s Mt. Diablo Unified School District are focused on expanding digital equity so that all students are prepared for college and career. That preparation starts early in their 21st-century classrooms, where students and teachers get access to standardized technologies. The district recently modernized its ed tech with updated Chromebooks, teacher laptops and Promethean ActivPanel displays.

Click the banner to learn how partnership helped one district with comprehensive digital transformation.


    Roxayn King, Fourth Grade Technology Instructional Leader, Silverwood Elementary School

    Adam Clark, Ed.D., Superintendent, Mt. Diablo Unified School District

    Robert Sidford, Director of Technology and Innovation, Mt. Diablo Unified School District

    Subhan, Fourth Grade Student, Silverwood Elementary School

    Bruce Burns, Principal, Silverwood Elementary School

Video Highlights

  • Mt. Diablo Unified School District launched a community-funded digital equity initiative focused on ensuring that every student and teacher had the same technologies for learning and teaching.
  • District leaders selected Silverwood Elementary School as a pilot site to test the technologies before scaling them to other schools.
  • The district’s Promethean ActivPanel displays drive efficiency for teachers and greater engagement for students.
  • Mt. Diablo partnered with CDW to adopt the technology, which enabled speedy roll out, equipment standardization, professional development and cost savings.