With more content available and great knowledge of how to use the increasingly affordable tools, VR-based instruction takes hold.
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Tech Trends

Schools Find Their Voice

IP-based phone systems help schools better manage communications and mass notifications, among other benefits.

IT Futurist

Coming Attractions

The next iteration of the K–12 learning environment is closer than we think.

Product Review

Dream It, Build It

STEAM lesson plans get a boost from this quiet, easy-to-use classroom 3D printer.

Security Save

Foil Inside Threats

Students might hack their own school’s network for any number of reasons. Follow these steps to ensure they’re less likely to gain access.

Product Review

Manage Simpler

This rugged device is painless to install and integrates easy management tools for K–12 classrooms or computer labs.


Take Charge

K–12 schools should introduce new technology to give students a chance to drive their own education.

Tech Tips

Say Goodbye to Distractions

K–12 teams can customize apps and notifications to support users’ priorities and preferences.



Beyond Four Walls

Schools and districts apply principles of the modern learning environment to enhance learning spaces beyond the classroom for everyone — from teachers to the littlest learners.


Cleared for Takeoff

These small but mighty aircraft advance learning in computer programming and photography, and prep students for careers in this burgeoning field.


Made to Order

IT finds support in new tools and services specially designed to make their jobs easier.


Enter Hyperdrive

More and more K–12 districts opt to simplify, consolidate and upgrade their data centers with HCI.