Feb 13 2025

Q&A: The Cloud Powers LG CreateBoards in K–12 Schools

Pull up lesson plans or diagnostics with ease thanks to cloud capabilities in these interactive displays.

As interactive display technology has advanced, companies have added capabilities that more easily connect teachers with their digital learning tools and resources. Long gone are the days of worksheets and projectors. With interactive displays like LG’s CreateBoard, educators can seamlessly connect devices and log in to cloud accounts. This enables them to project assignments, lectures, student work and more directly onto the CreateBoard.

Not only do these solutions benefit classroom teachers and students, they also make K–12 IT professionals’ jobs easier. Andy Chien, senior product manager of interactive displays for LG Electronics, shares how the company’s CreateBoard works with ConnectedCare DMS software to simplify online teaching and device maintenance.

EDTECH: Why is the CreateBoard a beneficial tool in today’s K–12 classrooms?

CHIEN: We’re in a digital age, and these interactive displays are like massive tablets.

DISCOVER: The cloud powers classroom connectivity with solutions from LG Electronics.

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