Feb 13 2025

Q&A: The Cloud Powers LG CreateBoards in K–12 Schools

Pull up lesson plans or diagnostics with ease thanks to cloud capabilities in these interactive displays.

As interactive display technology has advanced, companies have added capabilities that more easily connect teachers with their digital learning tools and resources. Long gone are the days of worksheets and projectors. With interactive displays like LG’s CreateBoard, educators can seamlessly connect devices and log in to cloud accounts. This enables them to project assignments, lectures, student work and more directly onto the CreateBoard.

Not only do these solutions benefit classroom teachers and students, they also make K–12 IT professionals’ jobs easier. Andy Chien, senior product manager of interactive displays for LG Electronics, shares how the company’s CreateBoard works with ConnectedCare DMS software to simplify online teaching and device maintenance.

EDTECH: Why is the CreateBoard a beneficial tool in today’s K–12 classrooms?

CHIEN: We’re in a digital age, and these interactive displays are like massive tablets.

DISCOVER: The cloud powers classroom connectivity with solutions from LG Electronics.

With screen sharing capabilities, teachers and students can wirelessly connect their tablets or laptops to the classroom’s CreateBoard to share content. This means that, instead of dealing with cords, teachers can easily log in to their school’s cloud account — whether it’s through Google, Microsoft or another vendor — and display their lesson on the CreateBoard.

In addition to screen sharing, the content creation feature appeals to teachers. LG offers a library of approximately 2,000 lesson plan templates that teachers can use or modify.

Of course, teachers can always upload their own lesson plans, but these templates can shave a few minutes off an already busy day. Using this technology also enhances the lesson’s interactivity. Let’s say students are learning about money. Instead of using a traditional presentation, you could populate the screen with money that students can drag and interact with.

READ THE REVIEW: LG’s CreateBoard powers collaboration with cutting-edge technology.

EDTECH: What are the features of LG ConnectedCare DMS, and how can IT professionals use them in K–12 environments?

CHIEN: With LG ConnectedCare DMS, ­K–12 IT professionals can manage the school’s or district’s devices all at once, from anywhere. Whether they’re working with devices in two schools or 80, they can see every location in LG’s dashboard and get real-time updates.

IT admins can troubleshoot, run diagnostic tests, schedule and send updates, and set policies, all from the dashboard. If a device is left on overnight or is experiencing issues, ConnectedCare sends alerts directly to the IT team so they can quickly figure out what’s going on.

IT leaders can also schedule downtime or set a timing schedule to save energy, such as turning off the display during lunch periods or after school, so that teachers don’t have to worry about turning off the devices.

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EDTECH: Are there other benefits to having cloud functionality for CreateBoards?

CHIEN: For K–12 IT teams, one of the biggest benefits would be the real-time monitoring and updates. There’s no lag. If a device is on when it shouldn’t be or if a teacher is running into issues, IT leaders can be alerted in the moment.

ConnectedCare also makes it easier to manage applications, establish settings such as brightness, screen lock or power functions on all devices, and add new devices. ConnectedCare’s cloning feature allows IT staff to easily integrate new displays.

K–12 administrators can also broadcast messages with ConnectedCare. LG’s CreateBoards can connect to the school’s intercom system and become a display for the school’s message. You can also create a message through ConnectedCare to display across the school’s or district’s screens, whether for a fire drill or an early closing due to inclement weather.

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