May 03 2023
Digital Workspace

Digital Promise Releases Digital Transformation Report

The report emphasizes technology’s role in bringing individualized education to students and includes a case study on one district’s road to learner-centered pedagogy.

On April 17, Digital Promise released its new report, “Breaking With the Past: Embracing Digital Transformation in Education.” Intended to serve as a companion to the organization’s previous report on digital equity, the digital transformation report highlights the need to embrace change through educational technology.

It focuses on learner variability as a keystone in the campaign for digital transformation, sharing how technologies can help educators and entire school systems make the shift to more personalized learning. It additionally addresses seven challenges facing districts, organizing them into system and ecosystem challenges.

System challenges, according to the report, must be addressed by “state and local education systems governed by elected or appointed boards.” Ecosystem challenges, on the other hand, should be addressed by “legislative policies; foundation, nonprofit, and business initiatives and supports; educator preparation programs; and more.”

The report also spotlights a case study around Talladega County Schools in Alabama and its program to deliver project-based learning to its 7,000 students.

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Case Study Highlights the Outcomes of Personalized Learning

Talladega County Schools’ road to project-based learning started in 2008, and students began participating in 2009. According to the report, a single high school in the district created a collaborative learning space that could accommodate 60 students, making infrastructure upgrades to support 60 devices. The district also invested in professional development for its teachers to ensure they could teach project-based learning.

Now, “learner-centered pedagogy supported by technology” is the norm in each of the district’s 17 schools, the report says.

In addition to the hardware students work with, the schools also rely on Google Classroom. This learning management system allows the educators at Talladega County Schools to personalize content and instruction for students.

As a result of this digital transformation in the county’s schools, the district’s graduation rate rose from 70 percent in 2008 to 93 percent in 2022.

Digital Promise Works to Close the Equity Gap in Education with Tech

Digital Promise is a nonprofit organization pushing for equitable learning environments through the use of technology and forward-thinking learning models. The organization works on all facets of educational equity, from internet access for K–12 students to learning opportunities for adults.

The organization works with experts and like-minded organizations across the country, having recently announced a new Universal Design for Learning product certification created in conjunction with CAST.

KEEP READING: What is Universal Design for Learning in education today?

Its digital transformation report is one of many publications that Digital Promise hopes will further conversations with policymakers and ed tech leaders to enact change.


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