Sep 02 2022

Know Where to Start with Network Modernization in K–12 Schools

Before you upgrade your district’s infrastructure, make a plan with the help of the experts at CDW Education.

Districts with antiquated network infrastructure won’t be able to support the volume of devices trying to connect this school year. Most schools have moved to a one-to-one model, with 90 percent of district leaders reporting a device for every middle and high school student and 84 percent reporting the same for elementary students, according to an Education Week survey.

However, student and educator devices aren’t the only ed tech gear clambering for bandwidth. Internet of Things technologies, from cloud-enabled displays to classroom assistants, also connect to the school’s network. Likewise, tools that have been kept in rotation for hybrid learning can add to the list of devices straining the network.

In today’s vastly digital educational environment, continuous access is a necessity. While many districts understand they need to update their infrastructure, they don’t always know where to start.

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Make a Plan with the Help of School Network Experts

The first step in upgrading a K–12 district’s network is determining the starting point. Working with a partner like CDW Education can help an IT team better plan its wireless journey.

Because K–12 IT professionals frequently wear many hats, they don’t always have the time or insights to build a plan for their network upgrades. Working with a partner can ensure students and staff stay connected, leaving IT leaders free to answer other needs.

READ MORE: Tech reignites educators and IT leaders in K–12 districts ahead of a new school year.

CDW’s solution architects can assess a school’s infrastructure and help it create a plan for immediate and future upgrades. With the modern state of innovation, it’s almost impossible to implement a one-and-done networking solution that will carry a district through the next decade.

Instead, schools should consider network upgrades that are scalable and flexible. Also, consider a phased approach that allows for addressing the most urgent needs first. Then plan for continued updates in coming years, as funding and budgets allow. CDW Education, with its deep bench of technology partners, can provide the solutions schools need as the digital world continues to evolve. CDW’s experts can also help IT leaders plan ongoing upgrades around funding cycles, such as E-rate.

This article is part of the “ConnectIT: Bridging the Gap Between Education and Technology” series. Please join the discussion on Twitter by using the #ConnectIT hashtag.

[title]Connect IT: Bridging the Gap Between Education and Technology

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