Aug 19 2022

Higher Ed Leaders Are Making Long-Term Investments in Teaching and Learning Tools

A recent EDUCAUSE report places the continued evolution of hybrid courses and AI learning tools among top tech trends.

The COVID -19 pandemic has shaped the future of teaching and learning, according to the “2022 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report.” A panel of 57 higher education leaders from around the world contributed to the report, reflecting on current trends and the future of higher education.

Panelists indicated that the stopgap technology measures put in place during the early days of the pandemic have moved from short-term reactive measures to long-term investments in teaching and learning tools. As the authors point out, many of the trends and technologies in the 2022 report are similar to those listed the previous year, but here they are discussed more specifically and in greater detail, indicating an evolution in significance and demand over the past year.

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Hybrid and online learning, skills-based learning, and remote work were all identified as social trends shaping the future of teaching and learning. Technological trends include learning analytics and Big Data, redefining instructional modalities, and cybersecurity.

Topping the list of key technologies and practices panelists believe will have an impact on the future of higher education are artificial intelligence for learning analytics, AI for learning tools, hybrid learning spaces, main-streaming hybrid and remote learning modes, microcredentialing, and professional development for remote teaching. Panelists believe this professional development will have the greatest impact on student learning outcomes.

Colin Anderson/Stocksy

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