Dec 31 2012

50 Higher Education Technology Infographics We Loved in 2012

A visual snapshot of education technology used by students, professors, universities and IT departments this year.

Infographics are often the best way to quickly digest a lot of information, especially in the technology world, where data abounds. In 2012, we collected 50 higher education technology infographics from around the web, all of which are displayed below. These infographics provide a snapshot of the advances in education technology we witnessed in 2012, which was definitely a blockbuster year.

As we prepare for the new year, we referenced the Washington Post’s article Eight thoughts on higher education in 2012, which was published just over a year ago:

The future holds unimagined opportunities. Innovation, especially in the form of new technology, tends to worry even the best-educated and most-skilled workers. In fact, innovation often creates short-term disruption, and that is likely to be true of the innovations coming to higher education. However, the long march of innovation has produced more knowledge workers, not fewer, and it has made their jobs intellectually richer and more financially productive. That will be true of tomorrow’s university professors. Clinging to tradition will worsen individual and institutional disruption, while embracing innovation will hasten a new era of higher education productivity—not only of well-educated degree holders, but of new knowledge.

Read more.

To learn more about the trends we witnessed this year, check out The Most Popular Higher Education Technology Posts of 2012.

<p>Image courtesy of Sujin / <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

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