Sep 06 2017

21st-Century Classroom Technology Use is on the Rise (Infographic)

New tech tools facilitate more classroom engagement, but some teachers are unprepared.

About 63 percent of K–12 teachers use technology in the classroom daily. A new survey from the University of Phoenix College of Education found that daily classroom tech use is up from 55 percent in 2016.

While a whopping 86 percent of educators indicate they use laptops in classrooms the most, the use of other tools is on the rise. About 58 percent of teachers use educational apps, 41 percent use social media and 21 percent use 3D printers.

About 47 percent of teachers say they are embracing social media to collaborate with other teachers.

Even with this increase in tech use — some of it innovative — 25 percent of teachers indicate they are intimidated by students’ knowledge and use of tech.

“This data suggests that many teachers are introducing ed tech cautiously,” says Pamela Roggeman, academic dean for the College of Education, in a press release. “In some cases, they are unfamiliar with certain resources, but more often, they worry that personal devices will become an unwelcome distraction.”

For more on the 21st-century classroom, look at the University of Phoenix infographic below.

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