Jul 22 2014
Data Analytics

School Smarts: How to Leverage BI in K–12

CDW’s new Technology Insights App can help district leaders move business intelligence from the boardroom to the classroom.

Think business intelligence is only for businesses? Think again.

Forrester Research defines the BI market as “a set of methodologies, processes, architectures and technologies that leverage the output of information management processes for analysis, reporting, performance management and information delivery.” Sure, such insights can drive profits. But they also can help leaders in any organization — including schools and districts — build stronger relationships with their stakeholders, improve student performance and streamline operations.


With robust BI tools and minimal involvement from the IT team, district administrators, teachers and staff can access and act on the student data — ranging from enrollment and attendance figures to disciplinary and graduation rates — that they amass every school year. Such “democratized” access to real-time analytics not only helps school leaders improve the quality of the education they provide, but also helps them anticipate and address problem areas.

Mining for What Matters

BI is a growing market, and many educators may not yet realize the full scope of what the technology can do for them and for the students to whom they’re dedicated.

The Business Intelligence guide now available through CDW’s Technology Insights App aims to help users of all skill levels — from the dabbler to the data hound — better understand the scope of today’s BI solutions and navigate the road to deployment.

The guide is organized into seven sections:

  1. Introducing: The New Business Intelligence
  2. Getting Started
  3. Aligning the Mission and BI
  4. BI Solutions
  5. Make It Work: Deploying BI
  6. What Is Your BI Profile?
  7. Resources

Housed within each section are interactive and multimedia assets — among them reference guides and white papers, magazine articles, case studies, data sheets, infographics and videos — that can help BI tool users and seasoned IT pros mine their information assets more effectively.

Administrators, teachers and staff who are curious about BI but not well versed in the particulars should start with the resources categorized along the “Apprentice” track (signified by a single-person icon). Those on a mission to sniff out the latest adoption trends or with BI purchases looming will find the assets designated for “Early Adopter” and “Expert” users beneficial.

Still seeking more data? Calls to action throughout the app give users the opportunity to obtain more information about CDW’s BI solutions and other helpful information.

The CDW Tech Insights Apps offers guides to BI and other technologies on the following devices:


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