2. Preparing to Secure a Growing Number of Devices
When there are more connected devices, there are more opportunities for hackers. To address these security risks, it’s important to ensure that wireless networks can verify users and encrypt transmitted data.
If your IT department does not have the bandwidth to tackle this effectively, working with a partner like CDW•G can help. We have certified solution architects who can understand your goals, requirements and budgets. After conducting assessment reviews of your existing environments, we can offer detailed vendor evaluations and recommendations.
We also provide future design and proof of concept for configurations and deployment of the solution chosen. Our solution architects offer a full-stack experience by supporting every phase of the process, including ongoing lifecycle support.
RELATED: How universities are improving remote device security.
3. Maintaining and Managing Laptops and Devices
Do you have a plan for when laptops and devices break on campus? What about students who are streaming classes from out of state? To prevent learning loss, you need to have detailed and strategic plans for these scenarios.
We helped Shenandoah University get devices and laptops to remote students across the country, and we similarly can handle replacements for lost, stolen or damaged laptops in disparate locations.
4. Building Community and School Pride
Most important, your one-to-one program should create a sense of community.
After all, the purpose of these programs is to help students succeed. That message needs to be effectively communicated to those who are on campus and those who are learning from afar.
At Shenandoah University, we helped pass that message to students by taking care of custom imaging, laser engraving and kitting. We made sure that all incoming freshmen received their devices with a welcome letter that included a variety of custom logo stickers, which created an instant connection with students miles away.
It all starts with a strategic plan — and a partner that can execute it.
This article is part of EdTech: Focus on Higher Education’s UniversITy blog series.