Assets That Can Make or Break the Case for Esports in K–12 Schools
To justify an investment in esports, the school board and other high-level administrators will need to approve the formation of a K–12 team. Despite the growth of esports at the K–12 level, when it comes to starting a team, some stakeholders are harder to convince. Whether the oppositional voice comes from an administrator or a skeptical school board, there are ways to make the case for esports.
First, you’ll need to find a location for your arena and decide how you’ll equip your team. Talk with the district’s maintenance and facilities staff to find the best space to host practices. The IT department is also a helpful resource, as the team will know which programs in the building already have more robust computer setups that are available for after-school use.
The experts at CDW can help you decide on the right equipment for your team’s needs. With a flexible, vendor-agnostic approach, a third-party company like CDW has esports players’ best interests in mind when choosing appropriate tech setups.
But beyond all these considerations, there’s one asset that can help tip the scales when it comes to rallying support for an esports program.
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