May 30 2016

The IoT Creates Opportunities and Challenges for K–12 Schools [#Infographic]

K–12 IT managers weigh in on how data drawn from the Internet of Things will impact schools.

Technology does more than drive student learning outcomes: It makes schools smarter too.

The Internet of Things (IoT), which includes connected devices such as IP surveillance cameras, smart HVAC systems, wireless door locks and interactive whiteboards, provides real-time data and valuable insights to school administrators, teachers and even students.

According to an infographic from networking solutions provider Extreme Networks, 46 percent of K–12 and higher ed IT managers believe smart technologies will have a major impact within the next two years.

Resulting from a survey of more than 600 respondents, the data indicates that IT leaders balance praise for the IoT and its impact on student outcomes with security and cost concerns. Findings also show that IT managers place a high priority on schools’ underlying technology infrastructure.

“Reliable Wi-Fi leads the list of most important success factors in implementing smart school technology,” writes Bob Nilsson in a post on the Extreme Networks blog.

Learn more about the benefits, drawbacks and requirements of IoT-enabled learning by scrolling through the Extreme Networks infographic below.


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