The 2016 Honor Roll: EdTech’s Must-Read K-12 IT Blogs
Looking for direction in the ever-expanding world of education technology?
You don't have to look hard to find education bloggers. But who are the true trend setters? EdTech is proud to spotlight some of the education industry’s most influential thought-leaders in our latest crop of the top K-12 IT bloggers.
These 50 blogs include veterans from years past, fresh picks from our editorial staff and nominations from our readers. This year, we've tried something new — dividing each blog into one of four categories to focus on where the bloggers’ expertise lies.
If you'd like to check out the Must-Read IT Blogs from previous years, view our lists from 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012.
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Did your blog make our list? Be sure to grab a Must-Read IT Blog badge and give your site an award for this momentous achievement! You can also bookmark this list as a launch pad for exploring new content on these blogs as they amass even more great posts throughout the year.
Google's education solutions just keep expanding. Thankfully, there's Alice Keeler, a Google Certified Teacher and self-described super-nerd. Keeler's Teacher Tech blog helps make sense of the maze of updates the search-engine giant pumps out every few months. Keeler has more than 50 tips for Google Classroom under her belt, with an e-book on that series in progress.
@alicekeeler | Read the blog:
Catlin Tucker is a Google-certified high-school teacher who is fascinated with how technology can complement traditional classroom instruction. Through her blog, Tucker reviews the latest developments in blended learning along with reflections on what's working, or not working, when it comes to teaching strategies in high school.
@CatlinTucker | Read the blog:
Thousands of educators look to Eric Sheninger and his blog for leadership in technology. Eric, an author and a senior fellow at the International Center for Leadership in Education, writes about how digital leadership can engage students, faculty and parents using new channels of communication.
@E_Sheninger | Read the blog:
Tom is always busy helping school districts get connected. As the state and district digital learning policy and advocacy director for the Alliance for Excellent Education, he helps lead an ambitious, forward-looking initiative called Future Ready.
@ThomasCMurray | Read the blog:
You're probably already following Steven W. Anderson on Twitter. If not, his blog is a great peek inside the brain of the man who has become the last word in educational technology on social media. Anderson left his full-time job as director of instructional technology to fully embrace speaking to educators about the power of technology in the classroom. His tweets — and retweets — are not to be missed!
@Web20Classroom | Read the blog:
Education and technology consultant Tony Vincent jumped on the digital learning bandwagon early — back in the ‘90s. Teachers and administrators who follow his 14-year-old blog pick up all sorts of advice on choosing and using the latest apps, cloud solutions, hardware and accessories.!
@TonyVincent | Read the blog:
Bryan Alexander has been a leading authority on the educational technology industry for years. And in 2016, Alexander's work can be found all across the Internet. His monthly reports on educational technology are a valuable source for those interested in staying on the cutting edge of the industry.
@BryanAlexander | Read the blog:
Kevin Wendland launched his blog with a very simple mission — tracking the trials and tribulations of going all-in on a Chromebook. He ditched his standard-issue notebook and for the past year, his blog has documented the successes and challenges of grappling with an always-on device.
+KevinWendlandWHS | Read the blog:
Tammy Worchester Tang’s K–12 blog is a cornucopia of tech tips and how-tos for educators. She writes about QR code basics, URL shorteners and more, with a particular focus on Google’s free online apps.
@TammyWorcester | Read the blog:
Former teacher and lifelong techie Michael Karlin has spent the last three years writing about technology integration, education apps, lesson plans and professional development opportunities. His blog, The Ed Tech Round Up, is your source for education technology news and more.
@ETRoundup | Read the blog:
Published by Mark Barnes, a prolific author and education presenter, Hack Learning invites you to “feed your brain” by reading posts about increasing student engagement, rethinking assessments and improving school leadership.
@MarkBarnes19 | Read the blog:

Led by a diverse team of 17 educators from across the country, this blog condenses tools and advice that teachers can immediately take back to their classrooms to empower their lessons through technology.
@edtechteacher21 | Read the blog:
Tom Kuhlmann leads the community end of Articulate, a software development company that helps teachers build e-learning courses. His blog facilitiates this by sharing the secret formulas to becoming an e-learning pro.
@tomkuhlmann | Read the blog:
For the past eight years, Getting Smart experts have shared their insights on leadership, learning and education technology. Follow blog series on events such as SXSWedu and keep your ear out for a few podcasts mixed in between posts on professional development, adaptive learning and more.
@Getting_Smart | Read the blog:
The MiddleWeb blog zeroes in on the issues that matter to educators in grades 4–8. On the technology front, it discusses ways of incorporating devices and digital tools into classroom activities.
@MiddleWeb | Read the blog:
Get to know some of the future's female coding superstars on this beautiful site, filled with interviews with student programmers. Hosted by the nonproft Girls Who Code, this website is a destination for some of the brightest minds of tomorrow.
@GirlsWhoCode | Read the blog:
Got the Every Student Succeeds Act on your mind? So does Doug Levin, the founder and president of EdTech Strategies. He blogs about the new law from several angles, and spends time writing about his other interests: blockchain technology and the open educational resources movement.
@DougLevin | Read the blog:
The official blog of the Texas Computer Education Association is brimming with on-point advice on today's modern educational technology strategies. For Texas educators, there's no better place to stay in touch with what's happening in the world of ed tech.
@TCEA | Read the blog:
If you’ve ever attended an ISTE conference, then you know that this nonprofit has a handle on all things EdTech. Check out the ISTE EdTekHub for insights into flipping classrooms, promoting digital citizenship and deepening learning through technology.
@ISTEconnects | Read the blog:
Missed a conference? No reason to fret — members of the Ed Tech Team attend (or host) just about every educational technology event that’s out there. They’re also excellent resources for Google app insights.
@EdTechTeam | Read the blog:
Whether you’re looking for time-saving apps or digital tools you can bring to your classroom immediately, the Whooo’s Reading blog team has you covered. Check out their tips, tricks and more.
@whooosreading | Read the blog:
EducationSuperHighway has its eye on the prize: upgrading internet access in public schools across America. The nonprofit’s blog offers regular updates on the nation’s progress, plus opportunities and setbacks.
@EdSuperHighway | Read the blog:
The bloggers behind Tech & Learning are out to help teachers find new and improved way to use tech in the classroom. Get tips for collaborating in Google Docs, read about a successful student blogging program and learn how to engage girls in programming and STEM activities.
@techlearning | Read the blog:
Not surprisingly, data-protection issues take center stage on the Future of Privacy Forum blog. Educators can read all about the latest in student data laws and best practices. "
@futureofprivacy | Read the blog:
Ever wanted to know the benefits of technology-based assessments or wondered whether traditional school libraries are still relevant to learning? The Digital Education Thought Leadership Lounge has answers to those questions and more.
@centerdigitaled | Read the blog:
The Gaggle Speaks blog advocates safety, in all of its forms. Head here for tips and news related to security and protection for your one-to-one initiative, thoughtful pieces on digital citizenship and best practices for creating digital safety policies.
@Gaggle_K12 | Read the blog:
The expert analysts behind the CoSN blog touch on all the major education technology topics circulating in the news today: digital equity, ransomware and other cybersecurity threats, E-Rate and more. The blog also serves as a landing page for the reports CoSN offers, which give chief technology officers plenty of leadership advice to ponder.
@cosn | Read the blog:
The edX online learning platform has become a destination for today's leaners, backed by the same platform used by universities such as Harvard and MIT to provide free courses. edX blog posts come from the team that helps organize the platform, along with teachers of several online courses.
@edxOnline | Read the blog:
The boundaries of instruction and education exist only in our heads. On his blog, Andrew Schwab, an educator and a self-described “IT guy,” is busy “thinking out loud” about all things ed-tech.
@anotherschwab | Read the blog:
Kyle Pace is a popular force on Twitter, known for leading conversations on digital literacy among educators. Pace is an instructional technology specialist and Google Certified teacher, whose blog, Learning is Leading, has quickly become one of the most influential in the educational blogosphere.
@kylepace | Read the blog:
Richard Bryne, a Google-certified teacher and ed-tech consultant, offers online resources and tools at a price point that everyone’s happy with: free. His blog is often updated multiple times during the day, so be sure to check in frequently.
@RMByrne | Read the blog:
Lisa Nielsen, a longtime public-school educator, uses her platform to explore new learning methods and to shine a light on educational inefficiencies and deficiencies. Case in point: her recent takedown of “the packet-driven classroom.”
@InnovativeEdu | Read the blog:
Erin Klein knows how to create 21st century learning environments. As a K–12 teacher with a background in business, she knows the value that comes from infusing technology with education. Kleinspiratin is her way of giving back to those who taught her — connecting traditions and technologies for the next generation of thinkers.
@KleinErin | Read the blog:
Based in Silicon Valley, amid all of the innovation generated by companies like Google and Facebook, Sam Patterson, dean of student advising and outreach at Kehillah Jewish High School in Palo Alto, Calif., helps teachers navigate the digital world.
@SamPatue | Read the blog:
Kasey Bell is a Google-certified instructional technology consultant with a ton of personality. Her blog features fun ways to incorporate technology into the classroom without it getting in the way of the learning process.
@ShakeUpLearning | Read the blog:
If you geek out over gadgets, this might be the blog for you. Self-described nerd Nicholas Provenzano dives into the specs and uses of Arduino and Raspberry Pi kits. He also touches on project-based learning, makerspaces and more.
@TheNerdyTeacher | Read the blog:
Kerry Gallagher draws on her background as a digital learning specialist, ConnectSafely staff member and former teacher to blog about everything from students’ safety, privacy and security to ways educators can make the most out of classroom technologies.
@KerryHawk02 | Read the blog:
Kyle Wood brings his experience as both an instructional technology facilitator and a classroom leader into his blog about life in a North Carolina elementary school. From classroom productivity in the cloud to flipping the classroom, you can learn a lot from Wood's online hub for learning.
@jkylewood | Read the blog:
Dan Kirsch is powering active lifestyles through technology. As an elementary school physical education teacher, Kirsch shares videos of his lesson plans with his blog readers, along with detailed instructions on how they can implement them at their schools. .
@DPKirsch | Read the blog:
Bethany Petty is a high school social studies teacher with a passion for online learning. Her blog brings a fresh perspective about life in a modern high school, and she never hesitates to share tech tips with her readers.
@Bethany_Petty | Read the blog:
Vicki Davis does it all — a blogger, podcaster, teacher, and writer. As a full-time classroom teacher and IT Director at a small school in Georgia, Davis is on the front lines of the burgeoning computer science movement in K–12 schools. Her blog spotlights cool tools and apps for teachers, but one of its best features is her daily curation of ed-tech news.
@coolcatteacher | Read the blog:
Led by Scott McLeod, director of innovation at Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency in Iowa, Dangerously Irrelevant guides readers through the power of leadership through technology. The blog's catchy title comes from the concept of institutions like schools being slower to adapt to the rapid pace of change that comes with technology.
@mcleod | Read the blog:
Former math teacher Dan Meyer uses his blog to share news, trends and insights in math education. This blog is a great resource for those looking to learn more about how technology is changing math education.
@ddmeyer | Read the blog:
Matt Renwick, an elementary school principal in Wisconsin, is a passionate voice for innovation and leadership in education, particularly in the area of digital literacy. He’s also an EdTech: Focus on K–12 contributor.
@ReadByExample | Read the blog:
Here's a blog from a principal leading change in his school. Brad Gustafson's face can be seen at the start of all of Greenwood Elementary School's student-led videos. These videos are incorporated into Gustafson's blog, which also features many of his appearances on educational technology-focused podcasts.
@GustafsonBrad | Read the blog:
Texas elementary school principal Todd Nesloney has made a name for himself over the past five years. From being recognized as a White House Champion of Change to becoming one of the National School Board Association's “20 to Watch,” Nesloney's innovative ideas for education have influenced leaders across the country.
@TechNinjaTodd | Read the blog:
An award-winning principal who helped his former district accomplish great things with tech, Dwight Carter provides weekly updates on his work at New Albany High School in Ohio.
@Dwight_Carter | Read the blog:
Hands-on learning is the name of the game for Laura Fleming, a library media specialist who embraced the Maker Movement with zeal. She blogs about transmedia storytelling, 3D printing and informal learning environments..
@LFlemingEDU | Read the blog:
Adam is a principal at a Danville, Calif. elementary school who's not afraid to have fun. His colorful blog is dedicated to sharing some of the innovative leadership methods being incorporated at his school. Follow along for a fun journey through K-5.
@AWelcome | Read the blog: