Jul 25 2014

Use This Cheat Sheet to Navigate Google’s New Drive

A blogger is helping educators understand how to navigate the redesigned cloud storage service.

Hundreds of schools have taken the plunge into Google's Software as a Service solution: Google Apps for Education. So when the search engine giant makes sweeping design changes to one of its many software components, teachers often need a primer for the basics.

Drive — the company's cloud storage service — was recently redesigned. Teachers use Drive to store files and collaborate with other educators, making changes to documents on the fly. In June, Google rolled out a bevy of new features, a speedier experience and native support for Microsoft Office files. 

But since Drive has become an integral part of many educators' lives, navigating the redesigned service can be disorienting. Thankfully, one of EdTech: Focus on K–12's top bloggers of 2014 created a handy cheat sheet to navigating Google Drive.

Kasey Bell, the writer of Shake Up Learning, put together the how-to for Drive shortly after the service’s relaunch.

"I hope everyone finds this useful! It is not a comprehensive guide to the changes in Google Drive, but mean to be a quick cheat sheet for new users who are just getting acquainted with this suite of cloud-based tools," Bell wrote on her blog.

Bell also created a list of handy keyboard shortcuts for using Drive more quickly.

Image courtesy of Google.com

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