Jul 08 2013

Badge of Honor: A Spotlight on 5 Must-Read K-12 IT Blogs

Crowdsourcing helped EdTech identify 50 must-read K–12 IT bloggers for 2013, including these five honorees.

In June 2012, EdTech launched an Honor Roll of 50 educational technology blogs that the editorial team believed teachers and K–12 IT leaders should be reading. The response to that list was so vocal and so overwhelmingly positive that we decided to make it an annual tradition.

This year, we solicited the input of the K–12 community as we narrowed down our selections. Our crowdsourcing exercise, conducted in May, resulted in 32 nominations and 249 votes from readers. Here are five honorees that editors and readers identified as must-reads.

Check out the full list of this year’s best K–12 education IT blogs, "The 2013 Honor Roll: EdTech’s Must-Read K–12 IT Blogs."

Sam Patterson

My Paperless Classroom

Dr. Sam Patterson, dean of student advising and outreach at Kehillah Jewish High School in Palo Alto, Calif., is close to the heart of technology innovation in Silicon Valley. His blog highlights useful digital media tools and tips and offers advice on how teachers can transition to a paperless learning ­environment. • mypaperlessclassroom.org@SamPatue

Andrew Scwhab

There Is No Box

While some educators concern themselves with thinking outside the box, Andrew Schwab, director of management information systems for the Berryessa Union School District in San Jose, Calif., takes it one step further and refuses to acknowledge that a box even exists. He uses his blog to “think out loud about teaching, technology and life.” • anotherschwab.wordpress.com@anotherschwab

Vicki Davis

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

The Wikinator: That’s what Vicki Davis, a technology teacher for Westwood Schools in Camilla, Ga., says her ­students call her. While the nickname might sound ominous, like the Terminator, Davis is actually a popular and prominent writer and speaker about all things ­ed-tech. • coolcatteacher.blogspot.com@coolcatteacher

Patricia Brown

Ms. EdTechie

Patricia J. Brown is a 12-year education veteran with an eye for engaging classroom technology. The technology integration coach for Missouri’s Ladue School District in St. Louis shares classroom-friendly apps, websites and more on her blog. • msedtechie.blogspot.com@msEdtechie

Jenni Levy

Saving Socrates

Jenni Levy , a social studies teacher at New Milford High School in New Jersey, uses classroom technology to provide engaging learning experiences that maximize student potential. She recently wrote about using video conferencing tools to connect her AP U.S. History students with the education director of Yad Vashem, the world center for research on the Holocaust, in Jerusalem. • jennilevyesq.blogspot.com@jennilevyesq


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