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Jul 21 2021

What Does the Future of Ed Tech Look Like?

A specialized edition of an annual report from EDUCAUSE offers a look at the most important technology trends in higher ed.

Earlier this year, EDUCAUSE released the teaching and learning edition of its “2021 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report.” Informed by interviews with higher education leaders across the globe, the report explores key trends, technologies and practices shaping the future of higher education.

These technology trends, listed below, hold the potential to address complicated problems such as equity and inclusion, feasibility and acceptance among faculty and staff, and the level of funding that institutions need for adoption.

  • Data analytics is gaining a stronger foothold.
  • Micro-credentialing is providing new business opportunities.
  • Open education resources are expanding in scope and availability.
  • Blended and hybrid learning are set to achieve permanent status.
  • Online learning is finding new investments.
  • The use of artificial intelligence is increasing.

LEARN MORE: Read the full summary of the 2021 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report.