What Students Learned From Emergency Remote Learning
At some point between the first videobomber and the millionth cat walking across a laptop keyboard, referring to remote learning as “the new normal” became passé. Fast-forward to fall 2020, and university students and faculty around the nation have come to accept that, at least for now, normalcy is subjective.
In its place, higher education has discovered an unprecedented level of adaptability, with students and faculty determined to turn the sudden online transition into an opportunity to evolve.
Hoping to better understand how they were adjusting to the change, we asked a group of college interns from around the U.S. to share their insights and experiences with us in a series of online essays. Here are some highlights:

Chloe Konrad First-Year Student, University of Missouri

Amrin Madhani Senior, Texas State University

Victoria Balzer Recent Graduate, Oregon State University

Jackie Chis Senior, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign