Three influential keynotes ground the next big conference for higher education.

Jul 07 2014

Campus Technology 2014: What You Need to Know

Three influential keynotes ground the next big conference for higher education.

The next big conference for higher education technology is right around the corner.

Campus Technology’s 21st Education Technology Conference kicks off July 28, in Boston, with three influential keynote speakers and more than 100 sessions to learn from. Thousands of provosts, CIOs, IT managers and educators will gather to discuss the latest technologies and techniques in the higher education industry.

Attendees can choose from sessions and workshops across four conference tracks: Digital and Online Learning; Information Systems and Networking; Information Technology Management and Leadership; and Teaching in the Digital Age. A full schedule of all sessions is available on the conference website.

Freeman A. Hrabowski, III — President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (@UMBC)

Hrabowski will provide the opening keynote on July 29. Noted for his leadership role at the University of Maryland, Hrabowski has spearheaded publications on science and math education, with an emphasis on minority participation and performance. He was recently chosen by President Barack Obama as chair of the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans.

Stephen J. Laster — Chief Digital Officer, McGraw-Hill Education (@slaster)

Laster will lead the luncheon keynote on July 28. Formerly the chief information and technology officer at Harvard Business School, Laster is now responsible for creating compelling learning solutions at McGraw-Hill Education. He is on the Microsoft Higher Education Advisory Board as well as the boards of Recycline and the Sloan Consortium for On-line Learning.

Anant Agarwal — CEO, edX (@agarwaledu)

Agarwal will lead the innovator keynote scheduled for July 30. He is the CEO of edX, a massive open online course (MOOC) founded by MIT and Harvard in 2012. Agarwal will discuss how edX has evolved and where MOOC technologies are headed. Prior to heading edX, Agarwal was the director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and won the Maurice Wilkes Prize for computer architecture.

Learn more about each keynote speaker on the Campus Technology 2014 website.

Keep up to date with conference happenings online by following hashtag #CampusTech, and @CT_events and @EdTech_HigherEd on Twitter.

EdTech: Focus on Higher Education will be covering the event as well, so expect to see stories on the biggest events at the conference. Bookmark our conference page to keep up with all of our coverage.

<p>Courtesy of Campus Technology 2014.</p>

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