May 27 2022

Checklist: Should Your K–12 School District Delay Making Networking Upgrades?

The decision to refresh a network goes deeper than fixing slow Wi-Fi. Use this checklist to figure out if your school is ready for an upgrade.

Upgrading networks is a major priority for K—12 school districts. According to the 2022 EdTech Leadership Survey Report from the Consortium for School Networking, respondents shared that network infrastructure and broadband/network capacity are their second and third priorities after cybersecurity.

However, when it comes to starting the process of overhauling a network, some school districts are able to follow a particular refresh cycle while others facing budget challenges must hold off on making upgrades for as long as they can.

Neither approach is perfect. Amy McLaughlin, cybersecurity project director for CoSN, recommends that K—12 technology leaders take a continuous approach to network upgrades. And for those thinking of delaying some upgrades, she recommends looking for the following key circumstances that could trigger the need for a refresh.

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Illustration by Ollie Hirst

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