Sep 23 2020

These Educators Embrace the Opportunities of Online Learning

K–12 educators and experts are using social media channels to share advice, tutorials and examples of ingenuity.

At the start of the year, some educators were still making slow, reluctant strides toward embracing technology in the classroom. That quickly changed for many in March. Now, e-learning is the reality for schools across the country. Ready or not, educators have had to quickly figure out how to move classes online and improve the quality of remote instruction.

That’s what’s happening now. But many educators and other experts in the field had already fully embraced educational technology. Now they have their eyes on the future and the potential impact of emerging technologies. They are innovators. They also understand the power of social media to share ideas.

EdTech highlighted 30 of them in its list of 2020 K–12 IT Influencers. Here are three tweets that help illustrate why these educators shine.

This Digital Tool Helps Develop Language Skills

Esther Park, a high school teacher of English for Speakers of Other Languages, regularly shares tips and GIFs about tools and techniques she uses in her classroom. She tweets, posts pictures to Instagram and even uploads how-to videos to YouTube.


Ed Tech Pro Offers Opportunities to Listen and Learn

Jake Miller, @JakeMillerTech on Twitter, shares educational technology tips such as keyboard shortcuts and ways to help students remember important concepts. He also posts tutorial videos on YouTube and hosts a podcast, Educational Duct Tape.


Get Coached on How to Improve Tech-Driven Education

Tech Coach Adam Juarez is a Google certified trainer and innovator. He regularly tweets and blogs about educational technology, specifically Google tools. He also leads conversations through Twitter chats using #CVTechTalk.



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