Apr 30 2012

Schools Embrace Power and Potential of Mobile Technologies [Infographic]

T-Mobile highlights statistics on technology and how schools plan to invest in the future.

Whether your school favors a more traditional one-to-one computing initiative or the cost-conscious “bring your own device” model, new evidence about the reach and effectiveness of mobile devices in K–12 classrooms validates a glaring and unavoidable truth: Mobile computing, no matter how it’s adopted, is on the rise in American education. And, barring a fundamental shift in how students learn, such devices stand to play an increasingly important role in preparing learners for success in life and work.

To put the march of mobile technologies into perspective, this infographic from the folks at T-Mobile highlights several eye-opening statistics about students, technology and how schools plan to invest in the future.

A few highlights:

  • $8 billion is spent each year on K–12 textbooks in the United States;
  • 2.8 percent of the estimated $8 million textbook market is e-books;
  • 56 percent of schools and libraries expect to implement or expand digital textbook use;
  • 45 percent of schools and libraries expect to implement use of wireless devices for digital learning;
  • 100 percent of students will have digital textbooks within the next five years; and
  • 100 percent of K–12 students will use mobile devices for education by 2016.

Check out T-Mobile’s full Mobile Learning Report Card infographic below:

Schools Embrace Power and Potential of Mobile Technologies [Infographic]


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