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Nov 14 2024
Artificial Intelligence

5 Use Cases for Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Cut through the noise and learn where AI can have a real impact on colleges and universities.

The concept of artificial intelligence is hardly new, but the full range of opportunities that exist are just being discovered. In the higher education world, colleges and universities are starting to dabble with AI projects, such as chatbots or aids for incoming students.

The age of AI is burgeoning, ushering advancements in many fields, so it’s important that any institutions interested in incorporating this technology consider the rules and regulations around it.

Five Ways Higher Education Institutions Use Artificial Intelligence

1. Chatbots

Considering the prevalence of online shopping and the popularity of industry leaders such as Amazon, people are familiar with the concept of online chat features that help customers quickly solve issues. These chatbots are equipped with the latest AI, allowing for faster response time and quicker solutions. And the expectation of communicating with a chatbot to find information easily has started to enter higher education.

LEARN MORE: Innovators such as NetApp are guiding higher ed institutions on their AI journeys.

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