May 17 2022

Why Universities Should Prioritize Student Success in IT Decision-Making

Technology investments should be made with learners in mind.

Students make up the backbone of every higher education institution. These inquisitive minds are the reason colleges and universities exist in the first place, so it stands to reason that the institution’s decisions should be made with the goal of supporting learners and their diverse needs.

This philosophy should extend to the IT department. Every technology investment a university makes should affect the students in some way. Making technology accessible, preparing students with the digital fluency to succeed in school and in the workforce, and promoting equitable digital access is up to the university.

Learner Support is Critical to Student Success in Higher Education

Colleges and universities are making strategic technology decisions that directly impact students and contribute to their overall success. Community colleges such as Finger Lakes Community College and Austin Community College District are investing in technology to make higher education more accessible for adult learners, who might need more support than “traditional” students.

At Shenandoah University and Cleveland State University, one-to-one programs put devices and connectivity in the hands and homes of students, giving them the tools they needed to learn remotely when their physical campuses were closed.

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Technology also helps prepare students for the workforce. Schools like Rose State College and Massachusetts Bay Community College are building the next generation of cybersecurity professionals through robust training programs.

IT decisions can have less obvious yet equally important effects on students. Ransomware attacks at Michigan State University and California State University San Marcos taught IT leaders valuable lessons about protecting sensitive student data.

Having resilient IT infrastructure that supports a university’s overall technology ecosystem is vital for uninterrupted teaching and learning. Schools like Clarke University and Piedmont Community College are continually modernizing and fine-tuning operations to ensure consistent uptime and peak performance.

When universities invest in technology solutions and services with students in mind, it can only help contribute to their overall success in college and in their careers.

Ryan Petersen
Editor in Chief

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