Aug 16 2018

5 Steps to Lay the Foundation for Digital Whiteboards on Campus

Interactive tools are proving to be quite useful for professors, however in order to integrate them into the classroom universities first need to prepare.

Universities are finding digital signage and interactive whiteboards to be a helpful tool in engaging students in new and creative ways. 

While using a digital whiteboard has many of the same benefits of a traditional one, professors and students are excited at the extra benefits, including video conferencing, collaboration and content sharing, according to Phil Hill, a founder of the higher education consultancy MindWires.

Interactive whiteboards can be transformative, but first universities must lay the groundwork for an optimal deployment:

  1. Ease of use is a must. Barriers to entry increase the likelihood that the intended users won’t take full advantage of the new system.
  2. Invest in the bandwidth that video conferencing and other interactive features require.
  3. Pay attention to how new technologies work with existing learning technologies.
  4. Deploy single sign-on capability and a robust identity management system to maintain security.
  5. Invest time to train both instructors and students to use available features.

For more on how universities are preparing to integrate interactive whiteboards, check out our magazine feature, "Universities Integrate Smartboards to Promote Collaboration on Campus."


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