Feb 08 2012

University of South Carolina College of Nursing's Simulation Lab

Take a look at the audio and video technology at work in the nursing school's clinical simulation lab.

The University of South Carolina College of Nursing is using technology to help train students with clinical scenarios that more closely echo what they'll experience in the real world. Mannequins are used as patients, but these mannequins aren't the stiff, immobile sort seen in a storefront. Their chests rise and fall as they breathe, their mechanical hearts beat and some are capable of blinking and crying.

Check out some images of the technology at work in the University of South Carolina College of Nursing's clinical simulation lab in our slideshow.

The simulation lab works best when it teaches nursing students how to function in a low-incidence, high-risk scenario. Here Cristina Brucki (far left) is grading students on a cardiac arrest simulation. Clinical Professor Lydia Zager (center) talks to the students while Erin McKinney (far right) observes. Melissa Richardson is in the foreground.
As part of the cardiac arrest simulation, Clinical Professor Lydia Zager (foreground) speaks for the patient as students Katheryn Niswanger (left) and Rachael McElvie (right) respond.
Students Monica Shull (right) and Samantha Osman (background) test a patient’s vital signs.
Students Katherine Gutierrez (front right), Carolyn Hett (center right, with head mic) and Katrina Buckner (left) work to help a hospice patient decide when to end chemotherapy. The mic is used so faculty can feed questions to the students to keep the conversation flowing.
Student Rachael McElvie looks for the rhythm of the patient’s heart.
<p>University of South Carolina</p>

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