Learn how schools are implementing secure BYOD for students and teachers

EdTech Magazine: Focus on K-12



June 2012

The Honor Roll: K–12's Must-Read IT Bloggers

Technology has transformed the classroom, and EdTech: Focus on K–12 has compiled a list of 50 bloggers who are among the leading voices discussing this evolution. See who made the grade.


  Spotlight on Network Security

Districts Large and Small Embrace BYOD

"Bring your own device" programs that let students and teachers use whatever mobile devices they want are popular, but schools must ensure that these programs are supported by a robust wireless infrastructure and necessary security.


Strategies for Preventing a Data Breach

To prevent breaches, organizations must take a 360-degree look at how sensitive data is stored, retrieved and – most important – controlled. Follow these tips to maintain control of mission-critical information.


4 Tips for Securing a Network DMZ

Want to boost security for your high-risk servers? Follow these four tips to add layers of security control to your network DMZ.


  More from EdTech: Focus on K–12 and CDW•G

Watch Our Webinar About How to Prepare Your Network for BYOD
View Our Video About How Oakland USD Optimized Its Data Center
Check Out Our Coverage of CoSN 2012
Discover What Education Will Look Like in 2020
Learn How Districts Are Implementing BYOD
Download Our White Paper on Virtual Learning in K–12 Education
Attend Lausanne Laptop Institute's Conference July 15–17

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