In This Issue: Focus on Security

INTERNET FILTERING: Keeping the Web Safe for All >
WINDOWS 7: Securing Removable Drives >
UTM: Multifunctional Devices Ease Administration >


November 4, 2009  

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Case Study  

Keeping the Web Safe for All
How Fairfax County Public Schools filters web traffic

Safety online remains a top priority for K-12 technology chiefs. That's why filtering stays on the must-do list, says Fairfax County Public Schools CIO Maribeth Luftglass.

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Tech Tips  

Windows 7: Securing Removable Drives
Pointers for using BitLocker in the new OS

Learn tips for using Group Policy settings if you wish to block users from installing USB drives; or, if you allow the drives, how to encrypt the data using Windows 7's BitLocker to Go.

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Product Review  

SonicWall UTM
NSA E5500 offers multithreat protection

Our EdTech reviewer looks at how well the SonicWall NSA E5500 unified threat management device stymies security threats. The scalable appliance can handle 500 client VPN sessions.

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Tech Trends  

Unified Threat Management
UTM devices save money and simplify management

Discover why all-in-one appliances that offer firewall, VPN and antivirus appeal to schools seeking to streamline security operations, such as Fauquier County Public Schools and Belton School District #124.

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Tech Watch  

Online Learning
Web-based education at the middle and high school levels is growing in popularity for families who want an alternative

Kaplan Virtual Education creates e-learning environments that aim to ready middle- and high-schoolers for a 21st-century workplace, says KVE's Laura Malcolm.

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White Papers

Mobile Security: Protecting data on devices roaming on the perimeter

E-Rate for K-12: Information and guidance on the discount program that can help give your district or school a technology boost

Reference Guide

Security: Keeping information confidential, intact and accessible when threats emerge

Best Practices

Internet Filtering: Apply these five strategies for tailoring filtering to a one-to-one environment

Mobile Security: What you need to know about encrypting data in transit

To Catch a Thief: Software to help track lost or stolen notebooks


Assessing IT Security: Who's assessing your IT security? Hackers or a trusted partner?


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