Mar 29 2013

A Printable List of the Best Education Hashtags [#Infographic]

Use this infographic to help you find conversations and build a following on Twitter.

Twitter is a popular and potentially useful way for educators to share ideas, best practices and other resources to improve teaching and learning in the nation’s classrooms — but only if they know how to find their way around. 

With nearly 300 million active users, the social network with the 140-character limit has something for everyone. That might sound like a good thing. But, trust me when I say that mindlessly scrolling through your Twitter feed at 2 a.m. is not the path to educational enlightenment.

To get involved in the conversation, and find the information that truly matters, you have to learn the hashtags. You probably already know some of them. #edchat and #edtech are among the most popular online search terms for our audience. But what about #gtchat, the search term for gifted and talented students, or #ntchat, the online designation for new teachers?

Below is a printable list of two dozen of the most popular education-related hashtags for K–12 and higher education. Originally compiled by the editors of Edudemic and Online College Courses, the list is color-coded and includes a key to help you decide how and when to use each one.

Happy Tweeting.

Education hashtags


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