
Goodbye, Legacy Apps

What can updating legacy applications mean for your university?

Feb 05 2021

Building Out Blended Learning Environments For Higher Education

Blended learning represents a new approach to pedagogy that combines the best attributes of both in-person and online instruction. Well-planned blended learning curricula empower students to take ownership in their learning, increase flexibility for students and faculty, and allow institutions to deliver high-quality instruction at a lower cost.

Successful blended learning depends on integration. On the instructional side, blended learning should integrate online and face-to-face elements thoughtfully, using meaningful classroom interactions to complement students’ virtual work and interactions. On the technology side, software solutions, together with hardware components, should be tightly integrated for ease of use and quality of content, both of which are essential to a seamless user experience.

Skillful instructional design and high-quality technology are the foundation of effective blended learning. These are the conduits that allow faculty to effectively share their pedagogical and subject matter expertise and enable students to have meaningful learning experiences as they progress through a course, online and in the classroom.

Blended learning programs are more than a short-term solution; in fact, they are likely to become one of the primary ways that individuals pursue a college education in the years to come. Colleges seeking to deliver an exceptional blended learning program will focus on strong support for instructors, proactive policies and procedures, and the potential adoption of partners that can provide valuable guidance and services.

As colleges pursue student success and digital transformation initiatives, they will find blended learning to be a valuable part of their strategic plans, elevating instruction and improving academic outcomes.

Learn more by downloading our white paper: "Building Out Blended Learning Environments For Higher Education"