May 21 2018

Building Blocks for the Connected Campus

For today’s college students, constant connectivity isn’t just an expectation. It’s a requirement.

Students arrive on campus with carloads of connected devices: tablets, smartphones and laptops; fitness trackers, smartwatches and other wearables; gaming consoles, smart assistants and wireless speakers. When institutions lack robust wireless networks that can accommodate these devices, it’s only a slight exaggeration to say students might pack their devices back into their cars and drive off to another college.

While students certainly rely on mobile connectivity to facilitate their social lives, they also view dependable wireless service as essential to their learning and academic success. Several years ago, institutions might have been able to get away with supporting high-end solutions primarily in classrooms and libraries, but students now view their entire campuses — including residence halls, common areas and even outdoor areas — as learning spaces that ought to be connected.

To create truly connected campuses, institutions must invest not only in wireless networking, but also in back-end supporting technologies, security tools and collaboration solutions that help students make the most of network upgrades.

Learn more by downloading our white paper "Building Blocks for the Connected Campus."


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