Nov 03 2017

EDUCAUSE 2017: Insights from Thought Leaders on the Conference Floor

Didn’t make it to Philadelphia? This social media roundup covers all you may have missed.

The EDUCAUSE 2017 conference might be winding down from Philadelphia, Pa., but the wisdom gathered by attendees and thought leaders alike will remain top of mind for the rest of the year.

Futurist Michio Kaku postulated about the future of robot professors and the value of educators taking on the role of mentor. Microsoft’s Anthony Salcito explored how artificial intelligence will change the student experience. And, once again, information security remains the top issue that higher ed IT is concerned about.

But, don’t feel left out if you didn’t get to experience EDUCAUSE in person. EdTech editors covered the conference live from the floor and we’ve curated some of the top tweets and posts from #EDU17.

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