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Jul 05 2017

Campus Technology 2017: What’s on Tap for This Year’s Conference

Experts and professionals will share challenges, solutions and innovations about everything related to higher education technology.

The 2017 Campus Technology conference is coming up July 17–20 in Chicago, marking the 24th year for this gathering of educational technology professionals. Whether you attend in person or online only, check out the live coverage that our EdTech team will be providing on our conference landing page.

This year’s conference brings together experts in diverse aspects of higher education technology, from classroom-focused sessions on digital literacy and online learning to enterprise sessions on analytics and IT security.

Keynotes Cover Security, Robots and What's Ahead in Tech

This year’s keynote speakers will address themes that are both timely and critical for higher education. In Tuesday’s opening keynote, cybersecurity expert Jennifer Golbeck from the University of Maryland will talk about the importance of human-centered technology design and share strategies to reduce risk by developing security systems with users in mind.

On Wednesday, Jeffrey Selingo — Washington Post columnist, Chronicle of Higher Education editor and author of College (Un)Bound — will look ahead to the next decade in higher education, highlighting the trends and changes likely to have the most effect on our industry in the next several years.

In the closing keynote, Robin Hanson — professor and author of The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life When Robots Rule the Earth — will give us a glimpse into a possible future, one in which “smart robots” transform human society as we know it.

Sessions Focus Innovating for the Future

On July 19, Angie Besendorfer, chancellor of Western Governors University Missouri, will present “Building a Competency-Based Success Story,” an overview of the shift to measuring student competencies by skill rather than by time spent in school. She’ll also discuss how her institution uses technology and data to support the learning environment.

Also on July 19, attendees can join a “town hall” session, “Emerging Technologies and New Directions.” Thought leaders from major technology providers will share their insight on new technologies that are likely to affect higher education institutions in the future. They’ll also answer questions from audience members.

On July 20, experts will take another look toward the future, this time on virtual reality, wearables and artificial intelligence, and how these technologies might shape teaching and learning. That same day, innovation takes center stage in the “Ideas and Innovators Ignite Session,” with six innovators and startup company leaders sharing ways to transform institutions.
