Feb 17 2017

Coordinating a Campus Response to a Cybersecurity Attack [#Infographic]

Universities are enticing targets for hackers interested in confidential data.

For Arkansas State University, a more comprehensive security plan was highly needed when 250 employees and retirees had their personal information stolen and used to file fraudulent tax returns.

“We utilized firewalls to block access to computers and other university assets, but where access was more open, we had no idea what was traveling across the network or inside the university,” says ASU’s IT Security Coordinator Timothy Cureton in a Spring 2017 EdTech article.

Since 2005, higher education institutions have had more than 780 data breaches, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse reports.

At ASU, their breach was a wake-up call for creating a more improved end-to-end security policy.

Discover what to do following a breach by checking out the infographic below.


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