Oct 28 2016

EDUCAUSE 2016: Inside the Innovative Ideas Straight from the Conference Floor

Didn’t make it to Anaheim? This roundup covers all you may have missed.

The EDUCAUSE 2016 conference is winding down at the Anaheim Convention Center, but the connections and wisdom gathered by the attendees will be top of mind for the rest of the year.

EdTech has covered the power of introverts (they are actually highly collaborative), the top issues that higher ed IT will face in the year to come, and even busted some common tech myths.

But don’t feel left out if you didn’t get to experience EDUCAUSE in person. We’ve curated some of the top tweets and posts from #EDU16.

To stay up to date on all of the news and ideas coming out of EDUCAUSE, follow EdTech's coverage on the EDUCAUSE 2016 conference hub.

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