Apr 24 2015

Millennials Are Shaping the Mobile Workspace of the Future [#Infographic]

The future for higher ed learning is more robust mobile workspaces.

Increasingly, millennials are coming to campuses armed with multiple mobile devices. That influx of technology has spurred campus networks to adapt to the changing times.

It’s no surprise, then, that the mobile workspaces market is geared for rapid expansion. Last year, industry analyst Gartner Inc. projected the market to grow up to 15 times its size by 2017.

Today's campus networks have to be able to securely support a wide array of devices, and feature interoperability with competing services and architectures. But having all that support in place and operational frees students and faculty to conduct their work in a digital environment.

Having a powerful mobile workspace has become a crucial component in higher education. An infographic from Citrix Systems gathers mobile device statistics from 2013–2014, showing that 94 percent of higher education leaders believe students should be able to remotely access “the information, data and software they need, on any device, at any time.”

"The challenge for colleges and universities is to bridge the gap between the expectations of campus users and the capabilities of the institution," according to the infographic.


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