Nov 04 2014

History Channel Bringing Online Courses to Higher Ed

Television and higher education are being married through a new partnership between A&E Network's History Channel and the University of Oklahoma.

The network has announced a 16-week, paid, online course focusing on U.S. history from 1865 to the present. The accredited course will involve video lectures produced by History Channel staff, quizzes, discussion groups and social interactions. The series is priced at $500 for college students, and $250 for lifelong learners.

“The first course being offered is U.S. history, but our intent is for the number of courses offered to continue to grow. Through this partnership, we are working to help lower the cost of education for college students, while extending new opportunities to lifelong learners everywhere," wrote UO President David L. Boren in a news release

For more information on the courses, visit


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