Jan 23 2014

Educators Need Inspiration, Not Just Information

Listen to Salman Khan talk about his journey in education. How can you make a difference for your students?

Higher education is facing the same problem that media is facing right now: There is too much information. And what happens when you feel overwhelmed? As Peter Bregman writes in the Harvard Business Review, “The more numerous our options, the more difficult it becomes to choose a single one, and so we end up choosing none at all.”

There are many ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, but if you check Twitter too often, you will find that some people say you should be flipping the classroom. Others believe that MOOCs will dethrone traditional universities, and still others would have you believe that college in any form is a waste of time.

The information overload is actually distracting many in the higher education community. In order to overcome the frustration stemming from too many people telling educators how to educate, we recommend some good, old-fashioned inspiration. In the video below, Khan Academy founder Salman Khan talks about his journey in education. Yes, the technology is important and exciting, but this video delivers some much-needed inspiration for the higher education community. Watch the video, then ask yourself, “How can I use technology to make a difference?”

<p>Credit: TED</p>

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