May 15 2012

The Dean's List: 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs

IT administrators, professors and CIOs are driven by the needs — and rising expectations — of students. In the world of higher education, technology is a catalyst for real growth. Topics like online learning, “bring your own device,” electronic textbooks and cloud computing are hot in the industry right now, and rightfully so.

Technology is creating better learning environments, faster and more efficient access to resources such as e-mail and online lectures — and, ultimately, a better experience for professors and students.

What about the men and women behind all that campus technology? IT workers need resources too. EdTech: Focus on Higher Education has surveyed the web and found what we believe are the 50 best IT blogs in higher education. These blogs — including well-known names and some who are less familiar — cover every aspect of technology, both in the classroom and behind the scenes. Learn from tech experts and IT peers at colleges who are in the trenches. Dig into the very best the web has to offer.


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We also have an OPML file with RSS feeds of all 50 Must-Read IT Blogs for your convenience. Google provides assistance on importing the OPML file into Google Reader.


American Sentinel University's Information Technology Blog

American Sentinel University's Information Technology Blog

What makes a blog a must-read? Thoughtful posts that inform its audience. That is exactly what American Sentinal accomplishes with its IT blog, which covers hardcore tech issues such as big data, as well as inspirational stories such as one chronicling how a stay-at-home mom launched her IT career taking online courses.

American Sentinel University on TwitterAmerican Sentinel University on FacebookAmerican Sentinel University RSS Feed| Read the blog:


Blog HighEd

Blog HighEd

The team at BlogHighEd aggregates content from their network of higher ed bloggers, including webmasters, marketers, counselors, providers and consultants. Created by Brad J Ward and Matt Herzberger, you can look forward to posts from a community of knowleadgable and experienced bloggers. 

Blog HighEd on TwitterBlog HighEd on FacebookBlog HighEd RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Christina Bello - ITS Technology Tips

Christina Bello

Loyola University Chicago's IT Services Department uses their highly focused Technology Tips blog to educate students about how to use popular technologies and protect against current security threats. Lots of information, easily consumed.

Christina Bello - ITS Technology Tips RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Cisco Education Blog

Cisco Education Blog

Cisco Systems is one of the largest technology companies in the world, with more than 60,000 employees. This blog homes in on their specialty — networks — and showcases colleges that are implementing efficient and innovative technology.

Cisco Education Blog on TwitterCisco Education Blog on FacebookCisco Education Blog Youtube ChannelCisco Education Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


College Open Textbooks Community Blog

College Open Textbooks Community Blog

The Community College Open Textbooks Collaborative’s blog keeps its readers updated on trends driving adoption of electronic and open textbooks. The organization also has an active online community of bloggers reporting from the trenches.

College Open Textbooks Community Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Cyber Pop Blog

Cyber Pop Blog

Sidneyeve Matrix's Cyberpop is a rich and visually stimulating trend-watching blog that examines the effect of digital popular culture on education, among other things. Matrix is assistant professor in the Department of Film and Media at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

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Dave Olsen - Mobile in Higher Ed

Dave Olsen

Dave Olsen is a programmer and project manager at West Virginia University. A leader in mobile technology, Olsen has released several major mobile solutions for WVU, including a robust mobile website and an iPhone app. He shares lessons learned and offers tips for colleagues who want to join the mobile revolution.

Dave Olsen on TwitterDave Olsen on Google+Dave Olsen RSS Feed

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DePaul University's Instructional Design and Development Blog

Instructional Design and Development Blog

DePaul University's Instructional Design and Development blog is the online voice of the Faculty Instructional Technology Services department. Engaging topics and a deep bench of well-qualified contributors make this blog an intriguing read.

Instructional Design and Development Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Digital Tweed

Digital Tweed

Written by Kenneth "Casey" Green, the founding director of The Campus Computing Project, Digital Tweed chronicles the ongoing evolution of technology in higher education. Thoughtful and comprehensive posts make this blog a must-read. Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone because, as Green lets us know, "a little dissonance can be a good thing."

Digital Tweed on TwitterDigital Tweed on Facebook Digital Tweed on Google+Digital Tweed RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Dr. Rey Junco - Social Media in Higher Education

Dr. Rey Junco

Interested in how social media impacts the daily lives of college students? Dr. Rey Junco is a professor at Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania and a lab mentor for the Youth and Media project at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. In his blog, he presents his ongoing research on the integration of social media and the classroom.

Dr. Rey Junco on TwitterDr. Rey Junco on FacebookDr. Rey Junco on Google+Dr. Rey Junco Youtube ChannelDr. Rey Junco RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Duke University's Center for Instructional Technology Blog

Duke University's Center for Instructional Technology Blog

The staff of the Duke University Center for Instructional Technology writes posts for this blog about technology at large as well as the campus's specific resources. The "Get Ideas" section of their website is a rich supplement of strategies for using technology, including examples drawn straight from Duke's classrooms.

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EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit dedicated to providing resources to IT leaders in higher education. In addition to the community blogs, check out EDUCAUSE's awesome online resources, FAQ's, professional development courses and major initiatives.

Educause on TwitterEducause on Facebook Educause on Google+Educause Youtube ChannelEducause RSS Feed | Read the blog:




EDUniverse, which includes posts from more than 400 contributors, covers a variety of topics including technology, video, mobile, social media and marketing. This is more than a blog… it's a community of smart people exchanging ideas.

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Ed Tech is both a hobby and a profession for some. Apart from his job as senior program manager of the MindTap learning environment at Cengage Learning, Michael Feldstein maintains this blog as a space for his own and some featured writers’ thoughts on “whatever is interesting” in the world of ed tech.

e-Literate on Twittere-Literate on Facebooke-Literate on Google+e-Literate RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Elon Technology Blog

Elon Technology Blog

Published by the IT staff at Elon University, this blog offers in-the-trenches advice for all users of educational technology. It has several great contributors and even a YouTube channel to complement the site. For universities that use Moodle, this is a blog to watch.

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Eric Stoller's Blog

Eric Stoller's Blog

Eric Stoller "gets" social media (he has almost 8,000 Twitter followers) and he has more than 10 years of experience in student affairs technology. This is a pro from whom anyone can learn. He is also a contributor to Higher Ed Live.

Eric Stoller on TwitterEric Stoller on Facebook Eric Stoller on Google+Eric Stoller Youtube ChannelEric Stoller RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Globe University's IT Blog

Globe University's IT Blog

Globe University is one of the leaders in virtual and remote learning, offering many online classes and degree programs. Its blog pinpoints practical applications of technology and timely news bites for a busy, connected audience.

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Hack Education

Audrey Watter

Audrey Watters will keep you informed and entertained as she covers the spectrum of technology and education. Hack Education also jointly produces a weekly podcast in which Watters and colleague Steve Hargadon discuss the latest ed tech news.

Audrey Watter on TwitterAudrey Watter on Facebook Audrey Watter on Google+Audrey Watter Youtube ChannelAudrey Watter RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Hanover Research Higher Education Blog

Hanover Research Higher Education Blog

Hanover Research publishes a rich and stimulating scholarly blog, analyzing the findings of a broad selection of educational researchers. Stay up to date on marketing, teaching trends, e-learning and instructional design, among other topics.

Hanover Research Higher Education Blog on TwitterHanover Research RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Higher Ed Live

Higher Ed Live

Want to change things up a bit? Check out Higher Ed Live's weekly web shows on admissions, student affairs, innovation and technology. You can watch all their past shows on their YouTube channel but you can tune-in to a live show Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.

Higher Ed Live on TwitterHigher Ed Live on FacebookHigher Ed Live Youtube ChannelHigher Ed Live RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Higher Innovation

Higher Innovation

In his role as chief technology officer for Microsoft Education, Cameron Evans writes about how technology can empower students of all ages.

Higher Innovation on TwitterHigher Innovation on FacebookHigher Innovation RSS Feed | Read the blog:



Instructional Technology Virtual Café

Instructional Technology Virtual Café

The University of Cincinnati's Instructional Technology Virtual Café delivers a smorgasbord of tech information for every palate. On the menu: blogs dedicated to developing and using video presentations; faculty training and support; and instructional design and online course content.

Instructional Technology Virtual Café RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Jeff Selingo's Blog

Jeff Selingo's Blog

Jeff Selingo, editorial director of The Chronicle of Higher Education, draws on 15 years of experience reporting in the world of higher education. In addition to his eponymous blog, he writes a regular blog, Next, for The Chronicle, in which he explores innovation in education, and is also an education blogger for The Huffington Post.

Jeff Selingo's Blog on TwitterJeff Selingo's Blog on Google+Jeff Selingo's Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Jerry Bishop - The Higher Ed CIO

Jerry Bishop - The Higher Ed CIO

Jerry Bishop's blog is written for CIOs, but it draws readers of all stripes. For IT leaders, he wants to help shift the approach from tactical to strategic, as a means of increasing the value of technology for their institutions. Non-techies get "a glimpse behind the IT curtain into how the sausage is made."

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Jerry Waldron - Campus Technology

Jerry Waldron

Jerry Waldron is the CIO at The College of New Jersey. His blog about emerging technologies, Campus Technology, is written with an eye toward new and continuing college students.

Jerry Waldron RSS Feed | Read the blog:



Jim Hall's Blog

Jim Hall's Blog

Jim Hall, director of IT at the University of Minnesota, Morris, has been blogging about "leadership and vision" in higher education IT since 2008. He keeps his community up to date on every angle of technology — from networks, security and privacy issues to his hilarious but spot-on "leadership lessons" for a tech-driven world.

Jim Hall's Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Karine Joly - College Web Editor

Karine Joly  - College Web Editor

College Web Editor is an independent resource for online marketers, website managers and PR professionals at universities. Karine Joly's experience developing online curricula for university executives allows her to bring unique insight to this niche. Example: How a high-profile university president used Twitter to diffuse a very public hiring crisis.

Karine Joly - College Web Editor on TwitterKarine Joly - College Web Editor on FacebookKarine Joly - College Web Editor on Google+Karine Joly - College Web Editor RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Kelly Walsh - EmergingEdTech

Kelly Walsh - EmergingEdTech

Every weekend, Kelly Walsh, CIO at The College of Westchester in White Plains, N.Y., begins what he calls a "conversation" on a specific technology topic, posting an initial blog entry and video that he then expands on throughout the week as the conversation grows. On Fridays, he puts it all together in a "tweet-wrap" of the week's postings and resources.

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Kevin Corbett's Blog

Kevin Corbett's Blog

Kevin Corbett’s site is a customized news aggregation area for the latest information in online learning, mobile learning, game-based design, technology and robotics.

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Lakeland Learning Technologies

Lakeland Learning Technologies

Bill Knapp, dean of learning technologies at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio, makes time for informative posts across a gamut of topics of interest to his faculty, from blended learning to Twitter in the classroom to appropriate use of open textbooks.

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Mark Guzdial - Computing Education Blog

Mark Guzdial

For Mark Guzdial, how people understand technology is perhaps more important than the technology itself. Guzdial, a professor in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, takes on issues of teaching and learning about computing in his blog.

Mark Guzdial  on TwitterMark Guzdial on Google+Mark Guzdial  RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Megan Ura's Blog

Megan Ura's Blog

Megan Ura is the computer training coordinator at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. She blogs about web design and development and social media. Great insight from a recent college grad working in higher ed.

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National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education Blog

National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education Blog

How does technology mesh with the unique mission of a liberal arts college? Is there a place for learning to write code in arts and sciences curricula? What is a digital humanist? The National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education attempts to answer these questions and more in its blog.

National Institute for Technology on TwitterNational Institute for Technology  RSS Feed | Read the blog:




A publication of Notre Dame's Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning, this blog encourages expansive thinking about how to apply technology as a tool for learning both in and out of the classroom. Posting almost daily, this is a good read for faculty and students alike.

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On The Go with Ed Cabellon

On The Go with Ed Cabellon

Ed Cabellon ruminates on the intersection of emerging technology, social media and higher education. As director of the Campus Center at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, Cabellon is dedicated to building a better campus community through the effective use of technology.

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The Chronicle of Higher Education's ProfHacker blog is a prolific (three times daily plus Twitter supplements) discussion of pedagogy, productivity and technology — "the daily work of university life," say its editors. Posts are written and edited by a wide-ranging group of academics from all disciplines.

ProfHacker on TwitterProfHacker on FacebookProfHacker RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Ray Schroeder - Educational Technology

Ray Schroeder

Ray Schroeder, professor emeritus and director of the Center for Online Learning, Research and Service at the University of Illinois at Springfield, developed this blog as a "scholarly chronicle" covering all facets of educational technology practice and pedagogy. Since 2002, he has curated daily posts from educators, researchers and reporters nationwide.

Ray Schroeder on TwitterRay Schroeder on Google+Ray Schroeder RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Rutger's OIRT Blog

Rutger's OIRT Blog

The Office of Information Technology at Rutgers provides information for professors, students and any IT department smart enough to follow along. Highly recommended for IT managers at large universities.

Rutgers RSS Feed | Read the blog:



Stay Safe Online

Stay Safe Online

The National Cyber Security Alliance is a nonprofit public-private partnership that works primarily with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and industry sponsors such as Cisco Systems, McAfee and Symantec to educate “digital citizens” about safe use of the Internet. An essential resource for students and IT professionals.

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Tame the Web

Tame the Web

Michael Stephens, a professor at San Jose State University in California, writes about the intersection of libraries, technology and people, in a manner that will engage any consumer of the digital or printed word. He also writes a regular blog with an ed-tech bent, Office Hours, for Library Journal.

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UMassOnline Blog

UMassOnline Blog

The UMassOnline blog has chronicled distance learning since 2008. It fosters a community of learning for staff and students alike. According to CEO Ken Udas, "Blogging, and the easy access to — and exchange of — ideas that it has spawned, is having a transformative effect on education."

UMassOnline Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


University Business

University Business

As the online voice of the widely read University Business magazine, this blog covers higher education technology, news, finance, policy and more. Editor-in-Chief Tim Goral and Managing Editor Melissa Ezarik are regular contributors.

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 University of Mississippi's TECHNews

University of Mississippi's TECHNews

You can't accuse Ole Miss of being "old school." It recently launched a mobile website and a mobile app, and it uses QR codes in orientation brochures. Even better, the IT team documents campus tech news in an blog that should prove worthwhile reading for IT professionals working on other campuses.

University of Mississippi RSS Feed | Read the blog:


University of Oregon's IT Blog

Unversity of Oregon's IT Blog

At the University of Oregon, the College of Arts and Sciences Information Technology (CASIT) blog provides a wealth of information about technology on and off campus — covering everything from how to use Blackboard to the latest tech upgrades in Eugene, Ore., where OU lives. There's even a tutorial on typefaces.

Unversity of Oregon's IT Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


University of Wyoming's IT Blog

University of Wyoming's IT Blog

The University of Wyoming IT blog is written primarily to teach students about campus technology resources, but its tutorials and question-and-answer format make it useful for anyone who wants to learn about emerging technologies.

University of Wyoming's IT Blog on TwitterUniversity of Wyoming's IT Blog on FacebookUniversity of Wyoming's IT Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


 UW Bothell Learning Technologies Blog

UW Bothell Learning Technologies Blog

The University of Washington Bothell blog focuses on integrating emerging technologies to enhance the classroom experience for both students and faculty. UWB bloggers also frequently look beyond campus to cutting-edge applications in classrooms worldwide.

UW Bothell Learning Technologies Blog on TwitterUW Bothell Learning Technologies Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


 WCET Frontiers

WCET Frontiers

The five "blog-ologists" at the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies, or WCET for short, report from the "frontiers of the e-learning policy and practice wilderness," sharing knowledge on educational technology as fast as it develops.

WCET Frontiers on TwitterWCET Frontiers on FacebookWCET Frontiers RSS Feed | Read the blog:


 West Virginia University Tech Blog

West Virginia University Tech Blog

The information technology team at West Virginia University puts out a great deal of useful and timely information, on everything from how to clean your mobile devices to protecting against the latest security threats.

West Virginia University Tech Blog on TwitterWest Virginia University Tech Blog on FacebookWest Virginia University Tech Blog on Google+West Virginia University Tech Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


 Wires Crossed

Wires Crossed

This blog is a project of the Yale Instructional Technology Group, created to explore the mobile habits and technology needs of Yale University students. The blog is maintained by five Yale undergraduates who write about emerging technology and how it affects their educational experience.

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Yale University's Instructional Technology Blog

Yale University's Instructional Technology Blog

The Yale Instructional Technology Group's blog supports and celebrates the digital humanities work of its Arts and Sciences faculty and students. Numerous links to online content and presentations.

Yale University on TwitterYale University RSS Feed | Read the blog:



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