Learn how colleges offer BYOD to students and faculty while maintaining security

EdTech Magazine: Focus on Higher Education



June 2012

The Dean's List: Higher Education's Must-Read IT Bloggers

EdTech: Focus on Higher Education searched the web for the 50 best IT blogs in higher education. We turned up bloggers who cover every aspect of technology, both in the classroom and behind the scenes. Check out our list of tech experts — both well-known names and some who are less familiar.


  Spotlight on Network Security

BYOD Is a Big Deal on Campus

Welcoming students' and faculty members' personal devices onto college wireless networks requires security and management to be iron-clad. IT departments are finding the policies and technologies to get the job done.


Strategies for Preventing a Data Breach

To prevent breaches, organizations must take a 360-degree look at how sensitive data is stored, retrieved and – most important – controlled. Follow these tips to maintain control of mission-critical information.


4 Tips for Securing a Network DMZ

Want to boost security for your high-risk servers? Follow these four tips to add layers of security control to your network DMZ.


  More from EdTech: Focus on Higher Education and CDW•G

Watch Our Webinar About How to Prepare Your Network for BYOD
View Our Video About How a Community College Solved Its E-mail Security Troubles
Read How Cutting-Edge Analytics Are Reshaping Sports
Learn How Deduplication Helps Universities Manage Data Requirements
Discover Why College Students Are Embracing Digital Textbooks
Download Our White Paper on Virtual Learning in Higher Education

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