Cornell University Brings Together Tech and Teacher Training to Spur Innovation

A new blended center will foster professional development that supports students.

The integration of education technology into teacher training programs has gone a step further. Earlier this month, Cornell University announced that its Center for Teaching Excellence has been merged with Academic Technologies IT unit to create one Center for Teaching Innovation.

Campus Technology reports that the impetus for creating the center would be to jumpstart teaching innovation powered by technology.

"Under their guidance, the Center for Teaching Innovation will be able to 'lower the energy barrier' for curriculum innovation, instructional design, teaching analytics and the embrace of technologies, not only to enhance the learning experience for students but also to benefit from their colleagues' deep knowledge and how they think about teaching," says Cornell Provost Michael Kotilkoff in a statement.

While the two units were previously housed in the same building, Campus Technology reports that this merger will make their collaboration more explicit. The hope is to drive innovation in education without losing sight of the needs to students.