Chrome Browser to Get Massive Speed Boost

Google's Chrome browser is slated to receive an update soon that will speed web page load time.

Chrome's development team has been rolling out a series of updates in recent months that speed up the browser. But a new update will build in a new compression algorith called Brotli could provide a dramatic improvement, up to 17-25 percent faster page loads, according to a Google+ post. 

"At Google, we think that internet users’ time is valuable, and that they shouldn’t have to wait long for a web page to load," wrote Zoltan Szabadka a software engineer for the Chrome's Compression Team, when Brotli was first announced in September. "The smaller compressed size allows for better space utilization and faster page loads. We hope that this format will be supported by major browsers in the near future, as the smaller compressed size would give additional benefits to mobile users, such as lower data transfer fees and reduced battery use."

Brotli is set to be included in the next major Chrome update, but OMG! Chrome!, a Chrome news blog, reports that even after it is rolled out, it will only function over HTTPS connections, and web developers must integrate support for its functionality. 

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