A Map of Learning Theory Concepts, Theorists, Paradigms and Disciplines

Learning technologist Robert Millwood’s map makes learning theories more accessible than ever.

Learning theory is complex, and while the graphic below may initially seem to reinforce that idea, it actually makes a complicated topic very digestible.

Richard Millwood is an assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin, and he also runs Core Education, a nonprofit that helps schools use technology for better learning outcomes. As part of his work for the HoTEL Project (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning), Millwood created this guide to learning theories.

On his blog, Millwood describes his motivation to collect information and resources about learning theories featured in the map:

Learning theory has been a contested scientific field for most of its history, with conflicting contributions from many scientific disciplines, practice and policy positions. With the continuing and disruptive influence of technology on information, knowledge and practice in all sectors of society it is no wonder that innovators, drawn to the interactive potential that computers bring to learning, are challenged by the theoretical basis for their innovations.

Check out the graphic below, and click here for the interactive version.

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