64 Ed-Tech Lists for College Professors, Administrators and IT Professionals

The ultimate guide to technology and higher education.

Technology is changing rapidly and, as a result, so is higher education.

By leveraging the right technology in the right situations, professors can deepen student engagement and improve learning outcomes. That is the ultimate goal of technology in any education setting. Of course, all of this technology relies on a robust infrastructure to support connectivity and communication. And don’t forget training, supporting and troubleshooting. Technology is a complex beast to tackle, and the introduction of consumer technology on campus has further muddied the issue.

Student expectations are rising. Colleges are forced to address every technology issue, from BYOD to cloud-based storage to data-security measures. The laundry list of problems continues to grow, but so does the list of opportunities and success stories.

At EdTech, we strive to provide the best resources so that administrators, professors and IT professionals can make educated decisions about technology on campus and in the classroom. One of the most accessible ways to deliver our information is with the lists we frequently create, like the one below. In order to provide an easy way to find and share these lists, we’ve compiled 64 of the most popular below

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