Which Colleges Are Embracing Green IT? [#Infographic]

For universities, the incentive to go green extends beyond sustainability.

Green IT is trending upward, and sustainable energy practices are being adopted by colleges across America. Solar power and other alternative energy sources are growing in popularity and affordability. Reductions in the cost of power and cooling can benefit not only IT departments but also universities as a whole, according to an EDUCAUSE study:

IT is a major consumer of energy and, to the extent that the energy it uses is derived from nonrenewable resources, is a net contributor of greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of waste. Gartner Inc. estimates that the IT industry overall is responsible for 2% of global CO2 emissions, which is equivalent to the impact of the airline industry.2 Gartner also estimates that “potential power cost and CO2 emission reductions of 50% are available...by better managing the power usage of PCs, monitors, and printers—for instance, by encouraging employees to turn them off.”3 Clearly, each college or university IT organization has a role to play in the institution’s efforts to combat global warming, reduce expenditures on energy, and become more efficient in its use of natural resources and manufactured goods.

Download Powering Down: Green IT in Higher Education from EDUCAUSE.

The infographic below examines several universities that are leading the way in green technology. Is your school launching any green initiatives? Let us know in the Comments section.

This infographic originally appeared on Visual.ly.