10 Exceptionally Innovative College Campuses [Infographic]

These colleges are using technology to solve problems on campus.

Technology has changed the way colleges operate, affecting everything from teaching and learning to governance and policy.

OnlineUniversities.com published an infographic revealing the winners of Campus Technology’s 2012 Innovators Awards. Ten winning projects out of 354 entries were selected for their technology-based solutions for campus challenges.

Among the winners were Cerritos College, the University of Arizona and the Lone Star College System.

Faculty from Cerritos College, in collaboration with staff from other colleges, developed open educational resources (OER) materials as part of “Project Kaleidoscope.” Students using the OER material saw their textbook costs drop by 97 percent.

In the first 14 months following the launch of the University of Arizona’s “Scholarship Universe,” 3, 767 students used the system to apply for more than 11,000 external scholarships, and 25 percent of those students received scholarships.

The six campuses that make up the Lone Star College System saved $1.4 million by developing their own private cloud. In addition, the university now has two data centers 40 miles apart.

Check out the infographic below to learn more about the winning projects.

This infographic originally appeared on OnlineUniversities.com.