Goodbye Textbooks! Students Are Embracing the Move to Digital Learning [Infographic]

Students can’t live without their devices, so schools should embrace the change.

The textbook industry is changing in a big way, largely fueled by the prevalence and affordability of tablets. It’s estimated that 54 million tablets will be sold in 2012 alone, many of them to college students, according to .eduGuru:

Tablets are being adopted at an impressive rate, and tablet purchases are expected to outpace smartphone purchases over the next two years. Tablet ownership among college students has correspondingly skyrocketed and a Pearson Foundation survey found that it has tripled from a year ago. One-quarter of college students currently own a tablet.

Read the full article here.

E-textbooks are growing along with the hardware that stores and displays them, says Next is Now:

Over the next 5 years, digital textbook sales in the United States will surpass 25% of combined new textbook sales for the Higher Education and Career Education markets. Moreover, we expect digital to be the dominant form factor in Higher Education textbooks inside of 7 years.

Read the full article here.

The infographic below offers some incredible statistics on the reaction of students to digital content. While the area needs some significant improvement before it can become the sole source for learning material, all sights are set on a digital future.

This infographic originally appeared on