Summer Reading: 5 Higher Education Mobility Blogs

Students aren’t the only ones who should be busy reading this summer.

Summer is hardly downtime for colleges. Besides summer classes and preparing for new students and new material, there is a lot of reading to do. Maybe 50 blogs is too many for one person to read, but 5 is a bite-sized amount, perfect for the dog days of summer. To kick off your summer reading, here are 5 blogs that cover mobile devices and software for the higher education community:

Dave Olsen: Mobile in Higher Ed

Dave Olsen is a programmer and project manager at West Virginia University. He has launched several mobile apps for WVU, including their awesome mobile website. (Check out on your mobile device.) Luckily for us, Dave writes about his experiences on his blog.


More than 400 writers contribute to EDUniverse, covering a wide range of topics, but they have an especially robust mobile section of the site. Follow this site for news about mobility in higher education...and pretty much every other technology topic, too!

Jim Hall's Blog

Jim Hall, director of IT at the University of Minnesota, Morris, maintains an excellent blog. His insights into leadership and strategy, often with a focus on mobility, make for an educational and very interesting read.


University of Mississippi's TECHNews

Ole Miss is all over the move to mobile, with mobile websites and apps. They even posted an article recently about Blackboard’s mobile improvements. They get it, they are acting on it and they are sharing it.



Wires Crossed

How does mobility affect libraries, social media and online learning? You’ll have to check out Yale’s technology blog, Wires Crossed. Maintained by undergraduates, this blog provides insight into the daily lives of students and their interactions with technology.



These summer-reading blogs also made EdTech’s 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs.