ISTE 2016: Educational Technology Needs More Mindfulness

Google certified teacher, ISTE keynote speaker and applied education researcher Michelle Cordy has had enough of the negativity associated with disruption. 


<p>Michelle Cordy, third grade teacher and applied reseacher</p>

Video Highlights

<li>ISTE 2016 k<span style="line-height: 1.6;">eynote speaker Michelle Cordy says educators need to expand their networks to engage and empower students, as well as "show up and refuse to leave."</span></li>
<li><span style="line-height: 1.6;">Consider mindfulness when using technology.</span></li>
<li><span style="line-height: 1.6;">Educators need to take care of themselves and teach students the same to ensure everyone has a sense of peace and well-being.</span></li>
<li><a href=";adlt=STRICT…; target="_blank"><span style="line-height: 1.6;">Check out highlights from Cordy's keynotes</span></a></li>

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