ISTE 2012: How a Flipped Classroom Model Can Change the World

  • A flipped classroom model means that while students are in school, they work on their homework. When they go home, they watch recorded lectures.
  • This flipped model gives students who have struggled with the traditional lecture approach an opportunity to succeed, since it gives students more control over how they learn.
  • By using recorded lectures, parents can learn with their kids and help guide them as they navigate the lesson.

Participants: Mark Washington, director of technology and media services for the Port Huron Area School District, Mich.; David Warlick, 2¢ Worth writer and speaker; Karen Cator, director of the Office of Educational Technology for the Dept. of Education; Sam Farsaii, director of instructional technology for the Irving Independent School District, Texas; Brian Hackett, instructional technology at Prince William County Schools, Va.

For more on ISTE 2012, visit our ISTE 2012 Conference page.


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